Once all three mines have been destroyed, both the wall blocking the path and the cannon will be destroyed. In order proceed, a player needs to interact with the cannon and use either Rust Shot or Scatter Shot on the mines to destroy them. Player characters activating a mine will cause it to despawn and Cripple allies within its area of effect. Halfway down the next corridor is a cannon, and three mines. This also opens the way for the party to progress further into the Fractal. Once the Stonehead is reduced to 25% of its health, it will Fear characters around it, become Determined, and break down the wall, before succumbing to a set of mines.

Otherwise, it poses little threat to the party. While this enemy has a Defiance Bar, it will also enter a stun animation if it charges into a wall or tree. Once both groups of Saurians have been neutralized, a Champion Stonehead will enter the arena.

The party can opt to split up to kill both groups, or kite the Smokescales to the first group, as way to speed up this section of the encounter. With the Bristlebacks being the main damage threat, deploying skills with Projectile Block or Projectile Reflect properties will negate most of the threat. There will be two groups of Saurians at the beginning of the Fractal: a trio consisting of two Veteran Bristlebacks and a Veteran Bonebreaker to the left, as well as a pair of Veteran Smokescales further in on the right. Overthrow the ship's phantom pirate crew.Stow the cursed treasure chest on the ship.Deposit all of the cursed treasure into the chest at the end of the tomb.Meet Dessa and assist with her experiments.